HyCentA, Hydrogen Research Centre Austria, founded in 2005, is an independent research centre in Graz, Austria, based at the Graz University of Technology. We are an interdisciplinary dedicated team with more than 90 employees. HyCentA Research GmbH is the only extra-university research institution in Austria exclusively dedicated to research and development on green hydrogen technologies. We conduct joint projects with leading companies and scientific partners on the production, distribution, storage and application of renewable hydrogen - and thus cover the entire value chain with our unique know-how. HyCentA's shareholders are the Graz University of Technology (50 percent shareholding), the Research Association for Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics, Magna and OMV. At the beginning of 2023, HyCentA was promoted from a COMET project to a COMET centre in the COMET funding programme of the FFG. The COMET competence centres are financed by the federal government - specifically by the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs (BMAW) - and the federal states of Styria, Upper Austria, Tyrol and Vienna. The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) has been responsible for professional programme management for more than 20 years.

Research Director
Business Director
Elektrolyse und Power-to-X
Research on electrolysis technologies, from cell to stack to system, as well as on electrochemical compression and fuel cells
Green Energy and Industry
Research on generation, purification, compression, storage, distribution and delivery technologies for the optimised configuration of hydrogen infrastructures and their systemic integration in industry and the energy Sector
Green Mobility
Research on fuel cell propulsion solutions for land, water and air as well as fuel cell stacks and systems for mobile and stationary applications, including on-board hydrogen storage systems
Circularity and System Optimization
Research on measurement and test systems in the field of hydrogen technologies with specialisations in material investigations, gas analysis, electrolysis, storage systems and fuel cells
The Hydrogen Test Center has the necessary technical facilities, test benches and laboratories to enable realistic research, development and testing of H2 technologies for all departments of the HyCentA.
Our shareholders
In worldwide competition with comparable institutions, Graz University of Technology conducts teaching and research at the highest level in the field of engineering and technical sciences. Knowledge of the needs of society, business and industry flows into the design of excellent educational programmes. Ultimately, the quality of education is supported by the strength of knowledge-oriented and applied research at TU Graz. Numerous competence centres, Christian Doppler laboratories, special research areas, research priorities and large-scale EU projects are just a few examples of the extremely active and successful research at this university.
The Research Association for Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics, in cooperation with the Graz University of Technology, has set itself the goal of conducting innovative and internationally recognised research in the networked system of energy, engines, transport and the environment, supporting teaching and, in particular, contributing to the solution of environmentally relevant issues.
With consolidated sales of EUR 23 billion and a workforce of around 24,100 in 2015, OMV corporation is one of Austria's largest listed industrial companies. OMV makes a significant contribution to the energy supply of Austria and its core markets with around 200 million customers in Central Europe, South-Eastern Europe and Turkey.
Memberships and networks
For the past 50 years, TU Graz has been successfully researching in the fields of electrochemistry and hydrogen. HyCentA is part of the Center of Hydrogen Research in Graz which combines the expertise of more than 160 scientists who conduct hydrogen research at the institutes and research centres of TU Graz in numerous fields of specialisation. Research is being carried out at a top European level and with a unique laboratory and research infrastructure, ranging from basic research to applied technologies and systemic aspects.
WIVA P&G is an association for the promotion of research and development in the fields of application, grid and storage technologies of hydrogen and renewable gases as well as measures for the dissemination of these activities. HyCentA is a founding and board member of WIVA P&G. The association is entrusted with the coordination of the eponymous showcase region "Hydrogen Initiative Showcase Region Austria Power & Gas". This pursues the goal of demonstrating the conversion of the Austrian economy to a CO2-neutral structure with the production and use of renewable hydrogen as a core component in the areas of green energy, green industry and green mobility. The hydrogen initiative "Vorzeigeregion Austria Power & Gas" (in short "WIVA P&G") is funded by the Climate and Energy Fund and implemented within the framework of the "Vorzeigeregion Energie" programme.
The Hydrogen Partnership Austria (HyPA) pools Austria's resources to implement the hydrogen strategy. It combines the inter-ministerial political body - the "Hydrogen Strategy for Austria" task force - with a top-class advisory board. The initiative is coordinated and implemented by HyPA Management. A steering group represents the clients of the partnership. The partnership activates and services a wide range of stakeholders in and outside Austria and maintains interfaces with other key organisations that are relevant for the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in Austria.
HyCentA is a cooperation partner of the Hydrogen Partnership Austria and the CEO of HyCentA, Alexander Trattner, is a member of the advisory board.
The Austrian automotive industry represents a significant value for Austria. Austria exports more car parts and components than it imports new, complete vehicles. In addition, the automotive sector has the highest proportion of researchers. Austria's universities and research institutions enjoy an excellent international reputation. The common goal of A3PS members is to support the development and successful market introduction of innovative, advanced vehicle technologies, including new energy sources. HyCentA is a longstanding member of the A3PS and coordinates the area of "Fuel Cell Vehicles" there.
The Green Tech Valley is home to over 600 green technologies and services for renewable energies and the circular economy. Take a look around and find the right solutions including contact persons for your project in the Valley. In the south of Austria lies the Green Tech Valley, the #1 technology hotspot for climate protection and the circular economy. This unique location is home to 300 global green tech pioneers and technology leaders. The focus is on their green innovations. As a member of the cluster, HyCentA contributes to the innovative power for a greener future.
We represent the European scientific community involved in the development of a new, industrial ecosystem based on hydrogen and committed to the transition to a circular, carbon neutral economy. HyCentA is a member of Hydrogen Europe Research and contributes to the development of the roadmaps in various working groups.
The vision of the IEA Advanced Fuel Cell Technology Programme (AFC TCP) is to make a significant contribution to addressing the opportunities and barriers to fuel cell commercialisation by promoting the development of fuel cell technologies and their applications at the international level. In detail, Annex 34 deals with the advantages and disadvantages of fuel cells, the further development of storage media, the recording of cost reduction potentials and the results analysis of pilot projects. HyCentA provides R&D services financed by the Climate and Energy Fund within the framework of IEA Annex 34.