The R&D topics of Area 2 „Green Energy and Industry“ focus on key technologies that are essential for H2 applications within energy and industry sectors. Stationary and mobile storage technologies based on pressurised gaseous storage, metal hydride storage and the storage of hydrogen in liquids are in focus. Synergies from the interaction of stationary and on-board applications will be exploited through the development of an intelligent interaction of distribution and logistics systems with stationary infrastructures. Relevant progress will be made in specific electrochemical technologies with high potentials for hydrogen conditioning systems and reconversion using fuel cells. In addition to the efficiency of the technologies our research also focuses on reliability and safety. The complete production and utilization chain is mapped in simulation tools of Area 2. These tools find practical application as design and analysis tools for infrastructure projects and are under ongoing development in the Comet Centre.
Contact person Area 2
Area Manager
Dr. Franz Winkler
+43 316 873
Deputy Area Manager
Dipl.-Ing Michael Richter